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Article of clothing in a sentence

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Sentence count:22Posted:2017-11-14Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: article of faithclothingclothing storearticles of confederationa wolf in sheep's clothingarticleparticlebeta particleMeaning: n. a covering designed to be worn on a person's body. 
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1. An article of clothing was found near the river.
2. She was deliberately mismatching articles of clothing.
3. She only took a few articles of clothing with her.
4. She didn't take much with her, just a few articles of clothing.
5. He pleaded guilty to two charges of theft of articles of clothing.
6. She didn't take much with her,[] just a few articles of clothing and a towel.
7. In exchange they eagerly proffered jade adze blades as well as weapons and articles of clothing.
8. For men, as she shows, articles of clothing signify a specific bond between them.
9. She will gain entrance to the text through a consideration of how articles of clothing function for women and for men.
10. I tell her to look for an article of clothing he might have left behind and slash that instead.
11. The SHTRAYml, like other articles of clothing, is an instance where the restriction was turned into an ornament.
12. Casually remove articles of clothing throughout the course of the meaL Insult your companions.
13. A black market in import article of clothing.
14. There is an article of clothing on the chair.
15. Corset: Article of clothing worn to shape or constrict the torso.
16. This was no mean feat for an article of clothing.
17. Tunics remained the primary article of clothing, typically knee-length to ankle-length(, usually with a cincture.
18. As Mami and Papi finished dressing, the girls watched, fussing at their tights, an uncomfortable new article of clothing.
19. Whether you call it spit-up, puke or barf mulch, there’s simply no denying the fact that every article of clothing you own will eventually start to smell like baby vomit.
20. Hand - me - up is a used object an article of clothing, passed from a younger personan older person.
21. People attending were being asked to wear a pink article of clothing.
22. Sixty-one percent of women polled said it would be worse to lose their favorite article of clothing than give up sex for a month.
More similar words: article of faithclothingclothing storearticles of confederationa wolf in sheep's clothingarticleparticlebeta particlealpha particlefeature articlegenuine articlesubatomic particlesubatomic particlesarticles of associationarticles of incorporationclear-thinkingclothierthink nothing of itlike nothing on earthnothingsoothingnothing butfor nothingfrothingsmoothingfarthinggo for nothingnothing muchnothingnessnothing if not
Total 22, 30 Per page  1/1 
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